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Friday, December 12, 2008

Love is cinta

"Cinta itu buta dan juga boleh membutakan
melukakan dan sukar untuk kita lupakan
Aku cinta padamu hanyalah ungkapan
luahan yang jarang bermakna bila diucapkan"

(Too Phat & Siti Nurhaliza)

There is no attempt for me to become any 'minah gwang' by writing this post. This lyric just came across my mind when i was tired thinking of some ideas for my blog. When i heard this song at the first time, i started realise on how stupid a person can be because of love. when you're falling in love with someone, you will never regret on how much time, money, tears that you have spent for that someone. then when something happen between you and your loved one, you will curse yourself all the day on how stupid you are...but end up to do the same mistake again. i dunno either to say it a mistake or not..because what i can say is you cannot control yourself when you in love with someone especially when you love that person too much. m i right?love is all about give amd take.but it hurts when you the only one who always give in all the time just because to keep it. people say you can teach your partner and you need to be patience in order to wait for him to learn.but till when?till you realise that you just tired of it?just a point to ponder~


Ain Sallahuddin said...

yup..saye sokong!!

lovemenot said...

hahah..tataw pon ain ada blog..huhu.bosan la auckland..waa...nak blk~

nirzehrun said...

love is complicated.huhuhu

sayahot said...

haha saya sgt2 sokonggg!!!HAHA SEMUANYAA BETOIIII